OpenSceneGraph (OSG) FAQs 101 thru 150

FAQs 1 thru 51 square72_blue.gif FAQs 51 thru 100 square72_blue.gif FAQs 101 thru 150 square72_blue.gif FAQs 151 thru 200 square72_blue.gif

    This unofficial Open Scene Graph (OSG) FAQ Part 3 ( 101 thru 150) is provided by Gordon Tomlinson , I hope you find the information contained with these FAQ's useful and helpful. If you have a tip, FAQ or code snippet you would like to share you can send it me at and I will add to the FAQ, or if you spot an error in a FAQ or a change in OSG that makes a topic out dated let me know and I will get the items updated


  1. OSG licensing and use in commercial applications
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* 101  *  OSG licensing and use in commercial applicationsb


    Open Scene Graph has a very open and liberal license based on the Lesser Gnu Public License (LGPL), which basically boils down to the  fact you freely use Open Scene Graph in a commercial application.  For the latest information on the Open Scene Graph license see

    As with all things of a legal nature you should make sure and have your legal department or representatives go over the Open Scene Graph Public License (OSGPL) and make sure that you have all the bases covered etc.

    Some of the  issues you have to watch out for is that Open Scene Graph uses several third party packages that all come with there own licensing terms and issue, these may well be more of a problem, especially if you want to use statically link libraires. Many are more restrictive than Open Scene Graph's license and some may be similar or even more liberal

    Also it is probably wise to try and not to ship 3rd party packages but point to there location etc..

    Again make sure and check every thing with your legal department or representatives


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