How to Calculate the Bounding Box of an osg::node


OSG Code Example





    This example function illustrates one possible method of calculating a tight bounding box on a given  osg::Node :


    • How to create and derive a class from an osg osg::NodeVisitor
    • How to use an osg::NodeVisitor on a given node
    • How to take account  of any   osg::MatrixTransform in the osg::Node children
    • How to create and use a osg::BoundingBox
    • How to get the number of  osg::Drawable's from an osg::Geode
    • How to traverse the osg::Drawable's and retrieve/use each osg::Drawable of  each  osg::Geode
    • How to retrieve a osg::BoundingBox from an  osg::Drawable
    • How to retrieve athe osg::Matrix  from a osg::MatrixTransform node


    Note this code/example is based on a several postings to the OSG mailing list and has been mangled into this form by myself






Code :


// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

// |

// |  Simple Node Visitor to calculate the Bounding Box extents of the visited Node

// |    

// |    

// |  usage example:  

// |    

// |    

// |    CcalculateBoundingBox bbox ;

// |    

// |    node->accept( bbox  );

// |    

// |    osg::BoundingBox boxExtents = bboxCalc.bbox();

// |    

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


#include <osg/NodeVisitor>

#include <osg/BoundingBox>

#include <osg/BoundingSphere>

#include <osg/MatrixTransform>

#include <osg/Billboard>



class  CcalculateBoundingBox : public osg::NodeVisitor {




     CcalculateBoundingBox() : NodeVisitor( NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN ) {

     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------


     //     Default Public Class Constructor


     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------








    virtual ~CcalculateBoundingBox() {}




    void apply( osg::Geode &geode ) {

    // -------------------------------------------


    //   Handle nodes of the type osg::Geode


    // -------------------------------------------


        osg::BoundingBox bbox;



        // update bounding box for each drawable


        for(  unsigned int i = 0; i < geode.getNumDrawables(); ++i ){



            // expand the overall bounding box



            bbox.expandBy( geode.getDrawable( i )->getBound());




        // transform corners by current matrix


        osg::BoundingBox bboxTrans;


        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {


            osg::Vec3 xvec = bbox.corner( i ) * m_transformMatrix;


            bboxTrans.expandBy( xvec );





        // update the overall bounding box size


        m_boundingBox.expandBy( bboxTrans );



        // continue traversing through the graph


        traverse( geode );


        } // ::apply(osg::Geode &geode)




    void apply( osg::MatrixTransform &node ) {

    // ---------------------------------------------------------


    //   Handle nodes of the type osg::MatrixTransform


    // ---------------------------------------------------------


        m_transformMatrix *= node.getMatrix();



        // continue traversing through the graph


        traverse( node );


        } // ::apply(osg::MatrixTransform &node)




    void apply( osg::Billboard &node ){

    // -----------------------------------------------


    //    Handle nodes of the type osg::Billboard


    // -----------------------------------------------



        // important to handle billboard so that its size will

        // not affect the geode size continue traversing the graph


        traverse( node );


    } // ::apply(osg::MatrixTransform &node)




    // return teh bounding box     


    osg::BoundingBox &getBoundBox() { return m_boundingBox; }  


protected :


    osg::BoundingBox m_boundingBox;          // the overall resultant bounding box

    osg::Matrix      m_transformMatrix;      // the current transform matrix



};  // class  CcalculateBoundingBox





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