Welcome to new Vis-Sim.com web site, the site aims to provide resources for all things relating to the world of real-time 3d visual simulation and synthetic worlds. By providing resources such as discussions forums, code examples, tips, FAQ's, howto's, useful links, news, polls, programming resources, modeling resources, GIS and terrain resources etc.
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Scenomics announces the release of Scenome Modeling Tools. Scenome builds geo-referenced OpenSceneGraph-compatible terrain from DEM and GEOTIFF imagery. Featuring OpenGL rendering, parametric construction tools, fast previews, automagic texturing, Scenome delivers accurate
OpenSceneGraph 2.0 released. The 2.0 release improves ease-of-use and scalability, introducing new osgViewer, osgShadow and osgManipulator libraries, new build system, improved multi-core, multi-GPU support
Remograph announced the release of Remo 3D version 1.3. Remo 3D is an effective tool for creating and modifying 3D models intended for realtime visualization. The primary file format is OpenFlight®. Remo 3D is currently available for Microsoft® Windows® XP/2000 and Linux
Check out Deep Eploration, from Right Hemisphere, an excellent model viewer, format converter (supports flight among 30 or so formats), presentation tool and now intergrated with Adobe 3D
Trian3D Builder, the database generation system of TrianGraphics
GmbH, is an innovative software system for generating virtual terrains.Geospecific, geotypic and generic database with rapid database
design and creation
OpenGL® Distilled written by Paul Martz of Skew-Marix Software, OpenGL® Distilled provides the fundamental information you need to start programming 3D graphics, from setting up an OpenGL development environment to creating realistic textures and shadows. Written in an engaging, easy-to-follow style, this book makes it easy to find the information you're looking for. You'll quickly learn the essential and most-often-used features of OpenGL 2.0, along with the best coding practices
and troubleshooting tips
TerraSim annouces sthe release of Ultra High Resolution Building
(UHRB) model library for use with its OneSAF Terrain Format (OTF) export plug-in for TerraTools® 3.0, the UHRB model library is organized as a set
of correlated UHRB XML files, building footprints, Tiled Scene Graph (TSG) models, and OpenFlight models with automatically generated level of detail (LOD)
and realistic interior textures.
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